Risk Review Details


The Risk Review page is where you record management's direction for how to continue the risk life cycle with a given risk in SimpleRisk. On the page you are given a few streamlined dropdowns and fields to input your current review, reducing total time needed from management to keep risk management running smoothly. 

Page Breakdown

  1. Details (Tab)- This button allows a reviewer to see the Risk Details associated with the risk being reviewed. Switching tabs does not lose any information already entered in the review tab.

  2. Mitigation (Tab)- This button allows a reviewer to see the Risk Mitigation associated with the risk being reviewed. Switching tabs does not lose any information already entered in the review tab.

  3. Review (Tab)- This button allows the user to return to the review tab.

  4. Review Date - The date the system will record the review as being completed on.

  5. Reviewer - The user currently completing the review.

  6. Review - This outlines the outcome of the review. The default options are “Approve Risk” and “Reject and Close Risk” this is meant to just be a quick stamp of approval yes these details are correct yes this is a risk worth tracking or that the mitigation is viable and accepted to move forward or no this is not a risk worth tracking we will close this risk and move on. This field is user configurable found in Configure → Add and Remove Values.

  7. Next Step - This field is to record the next intended actions or steps for this and by default contains the options “Accept Until Next Review”, “Consider for Project” (Which will put it in the unassigned risk project bucket if all risks aren’t currently set to be displayed there.), “Submit as Production Issue” (Used generally when an issue is P1 or something that requires action on production immediately and does not require a risk to track.)

  8. Comments (Review) - This field is to leave any comments noted during the review for tracking purposes.

  9. Next Review Date - The next review date is determined by the risk score and the configuration set in “Configure” → “Configure Review Settings”. If you would like to manually change this next review date simply select “Yes” then a date selector will shown on the screen allowing you to select the next date a review will become due for this risk.

  10. Comments (Risk) - This dropdown opens up the comments for the entire risk. This is generally used for conversation or notes that otherwise do not fit another field.

  11. Audit Trail - This audit trail allows you to review all actions and changes made to this particular risk with dates and usernames for the actions made.



The Risk Review page in SimpleRisk is where you store your reviews of the risks progress throughout the risk life cycle. This page should have served to answer all questions related to planning a review but if you feel anything has been missed or just seek further clarification please reach out to us at support@simplerisk.com.