
Adding and deleting assets pages  is an important part of Asset Management. This enables the application to correctly identify the asset's value and assign the appropriate risk. This also allows us to maintain an inventory of assets. 

Page Breakdown


1. Asset Name – The full FQDN or referenced name of the asset.

2. IP Address –  The IP address of the asset if it is a networked device.

3. Asset Valuation – The Asset Valuation refers to the current value of the asset.

4. Site/Location – The Site/Location of the asset. Not to be confused with the site/location of a risk which may not always occur at the same location as the affected asset of a risk.

5. Team – The Team is referring to the team which owns the asset.  Teams can be managed from the Configure menu at the top followed by Add & Remove values on the left.

6. Asset Details – The Asset detail is not required but can be helpful in storing various information about the asset and its uses.

7. Tags - The Tags field is for storing easy to search terms that apply to a given asset. Tagging has nearly endless possibilities for ensuring users are able to locate and group assets and risks by meaningful and helpful terms. Tags are reusable and searchable by just starting to type the tag in question into the Tags field or clicking the field and scrolling through the dropdown to find your tag.


The Adding & Deleting Assets page provides tools to manage new and existing assets. This page should have served to answer all questions related to the managing asset page but if you feel anything has been missed or just seek further clarification, please reach out to us at