
This guide is being established as a resource that will help users take risk registries in a spreadsheet and map the columns of that spreadsheet to the values SimpleRisk stores with a risk in the database. This guide attempts to cover all steps as well as functionality regarding importing risks using the Import/Export Extra in SimpleRisk. If you read through the guide and by the end have questions please reach out to


Importing risks into SimpleRisk is broken into just 3 main steps. Prepare the import content, Map the content to SimpleRisk, Import. Next will cover each step in depth detailing useful information on each step. This can even be shortened in cases where you will be importing content that will come in the same format everytime SimpleRisk allows you to save mappings for later use, reducing the mapping step to 2 clicks. SimpleRisk also includes a default mapping that works with exports from SimpleRisk made using the Export Combined option. This is covered in detail during the import mapping step below.


The bulk of this guide will be spent on this section as the accuracy of formatting and structure will determine most of the level of success that an import will achieve. 

Basic rules for SimpleRisk are listed below that apply to all fields for import unless stated otherwise for that column’s description. This will prevent the need for repeated information throughout the descriptions of various fields we will map. 

Multiple Values – When columns have multiple values such as Tags, Assets, and, Additional Stakeholders SimpleRisk will expect values wrapped in double quotes and a comma separating each value. An example of this would be: “Servers”, “Network”, “Database”


User Fields – Fields expected to reflect a SimpleRisk user or personnel who may be notified based on action or selection will need to have a pre-existing SimpleRisk account before an import can successfully record their association. Imports into fields such as Owner, Owner’s Manager, and Additional Stakeholders are looking for user account Full Names. If an imported value does not match a currently existing full name of a user account no action is taken. It should be noted users can be batch imported into SimpleRisk via spreadsheet as well as user creation based on custom authentication. Using the customer’s authentication solution and the SimpleRisk Custom Authentication Extra we can generate user accounts based on AD or SAML login assertions.


Risk Levels and Scores – In SimpleRisk we support a number of scoring methods but the most often used we call classic risk score which consists of your basic Likelihood X Impact. To import risks scored in this way we must map the values for likelihood and impact in our import to the levels of likelihood and impact defined in your SimpleRisk. Below is a screenshot of the default risk matrix in SimpleRisk for the Classic Risk Formula. For the values that contribute to other scoring methods you can use a system of the values that require no reference are the ones that are saved and used for the calculation. The reason we allow for all aspects of risk scores to be mapped is to simplify the use of exports from SimpleRisk then making a batch update and re-importing that material. Removing them from exports would leave risk information provided incomplete and not allowing them to be mapped would create nuance to risk import.


Users should also identify if there is a need to configure the classic risk formula before importing. Users are able to edit the classic risk matrix by logging into SimpleRisk and going to the Configure menu at the top followed by the Configure Risk Formula menu on the left. Finally go to the Classic Risk Formula tab on the resulting page near the top below the navigation bar. To get the most direct mapping into SimpleRisk you can replace the values in your import from their current format in accordance with the above matrix and import should go smoothly. It is key that it is looking for the name of the level and not the number, such as “Insignificant” rather than “1” or “Low”.

SimpleRisk also allows for the tracking of residual risk over time. To import a risk that has a residual risk score already due to a previous mitigation you will need to utilize and map the “Mitigation Percent” field in SimpleRisk. The mitigation percentage will be applied directly to the inherent risk to determine a residual risk score. For example, if the risk score is 10 and the mitigation percent is “60” then the residual risk score will be recorded as “4”. Residual risk does not have to be mapped.

Date Fields – Fields that contain a date regardless of the format displayed in SimpleRisk will need to be adhere to a format of “yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” for dates occurring in the past and for dates marking the future it should be “yyyy-mm-dd”. For example, a date for Date Submitted for a risk would be “2022-01-30 12:00:00”. An example of a date set for the future would be the Next Review date of a risk and should look like “2090-01-30”. To be clear no surrounding quotes should be in the field of the actual import while they are required on sets of multiple values.

Custom Fields -  With the Customization Extra users can create their own custom templates and fields for use with various modules of SimpleRisk including the Risk Management module. If you have custom fields they will be found at the end of risk exports from SimpleRisk in the last columns. When importing, these custom fields will appear at the bottom of dropdowns as the last entries regardless of their position on any template. If the field is a dropdown or multiselect and a value supplied does not match a currently existing entry a new one will be created for it. If it is a date type field it will expect the yyyy-mm-dd format.

Risk Fields

Below you will find a list of all the default fields found in SimpleRisk and the import logic surrounding them. If at any time you still have questions after reading a field description please feel encouraged to reach out to for assistance and we will be happy to assist you.

Risk ID – This is one of the key fields of the import process. SimpleRisk creates Risk IDs starting at 1001 counting up by 1. When we map the Risk ID field the import logic of SimpleRisk assumes we are attempting to update risks with a matching ID to the values of the other columns mapped in our import. Since that is not the case, we shouldn’t import it there but if it is something that is relevant, we can create a field or add it into the risk details elsewhere.

Status - This field maps the current status of a risk. This field will create new Status entries if the column contains a status that does not currently exist in SimpleRisk. If the status is “Closed” users should provide and map a closed date as well as close-out reason.

Subject - This is a required field for new risks being imported. The subject is what is most referenced to as the title of a risk and should be descriptive in nature. It doesn’t have an

Risk Mapping - This field will create a new value if no matching value already exists in the SimpleRisk database. You may associate multiple values with a single import.    

Threat Mapping - This field will create a new value if no matching value already exists in the SimpleRisk database. You may associate multiple values with a single import.

External Reference ID - This field is for referencing CVE’s or can be used as any other reference id you need. If a CVE is entered in this field the system will update the risk details accordingly as long as the instance can connect to

Control Regulation -  This field is a dropdown in SimpleRisk that will contain the currently defined Governance Frameworks in the system and allows you to associate those frameworks with the risk. Inputting a value here that is not the name of a currently defined framework will result in a new framework with that name being created. This field only supports a single value.

Control Number - This is a free text field that is not logically used but is left over functionality from before mitigations could be associated with controls. You may enter valid control numbers but it is not required and is only tracked as text in reporting. For a better experience the best practice is to map using the mitigation control column if you wish to track a control with a risk.

Site/Location - This field accepts multiple values and will define new values if they do not already exist. 

Risk Source - This field accepts a single value. If the risk source given does not already exist a new one will be added.

Category - This field accepts a single value. If the Category given does not already exist a new one will be added.

Team - This field accepts multiple values and will create new teams if the supplied team in the import does not already exist. If the Notification Extra is in use mapping this field to an existing team could trigger emails to be sent depending on the notification extra configuration.

Additional Stakeholders - This field will accept multiple values and expects user Full Names as values this is the name that is most displayed and associated with users in SimpleRisk. This is not their username or the name used to login into SimpleRisk. This is a field mapped to a user and with the use of the Notification Extra can trigger emails to be sent when an import is made depending on the configuration.

Technology - This field accepts multiple values and will add new values if they do not exist.

Owner - This field accepts a single user value. This represents the risk owner and one responsible for the risk. This user can be notified via the Notification extra on various actions and reports based on occupying this field. Please see Notification Extra documentation for more details.

Owner’s Manager - This field contains a single user selected from a dropdown list in SimpleRisk. When importing it must follow all the rules of user fields for import described above. This field can be used for the Notification Extra to notify based on various actions and reports. Please see Notification Extra documentation for more details.

Risk Assessment - This is a free text field and saves to a blob type column in the database. This should allow for 65,000 characters under normal circumstances although not common based on the maximum upload size there are other factors that can prevent using the entirety of this field.

Additional Notes - This is a free text field and saves to a blob type column in the database. This should allow for 65,000 characters under normal circumstances although not common based on the maximum upload size there are other factors that can prevent using the entirety of this field.

Submission Date - A date field expecting a date prior to the current time when importing.  This requires a  yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss date format. This will be used as the reported submission date, if a submission date is not mapped or is left blank in the import the current time of import will be used as the submission date as all risks are required to have one.

Project - This field allows users to map a project to the importing risk, if a matching project name does not already exist a project will be created. One one project may be associated with a risk at a time, many risks can be associated with one project.

Submitted By - This is to denote the user who will be recorded as submitting the risk. This field expects a user as defined above. If a user is not mapped or this field is blank the user executing the import will be recorded as the submitting user. This field will always be populated with all Risks although it is not required for user’s to map and supply this information.

Date Closed - This field should only be populated on risks that are currently closed. This field expects a date from the past. This field requires a yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss date format.

Affected Assets - This field allows you to associate one or more assets with a risk during import. This field follows the above mentioned method of separating multiple items. If a name of an asset given does not match a currently existing asset a new one will be created with the default asset valuation.

Risk Scoring Method - This field allows you to set the risk scoring method. If one is not mapped or given the system will default to a custom risk score of 10. The options are Classic, Custom, CVSS, DREAD, OWASP, and Contributing Risk. Only one scoring type may be set. All other scoring values for methods that are not currently in use for the import do not need to be mapped when importing or updating risks.

Inherent Risk - While this field appears in exports and can be mapped this is more to simplify import export and the inherent risk is not saved during import even though it can be mapped instead imports should name their scoring method and the attributes that make up that intended inherent risk score. 

Residual Risk - This field is also for ease of use. To adjust the residual risk score of imported risks users should rely on the Mitigation Percent field. The Mitigation Percent will be applied to the calculated inherent risk score to determine the residual risk score.

Classic Likelihood - This value is for use with the Classic risk scoring method. This field uses the displayed names of the levels of likelihood in your SimpleRisk instance. If you have adjusted them away from their defaults you will need to refer to the Configure Risk Formula menu to determine the corresponding values. For default installations you may refer to the screenshot below for the names of the levels of likelihood.

Classic Impact - This value is for use with the Classic risk scoring method. This field uses the displayed names of the levels of Impact in your SimpleRisk instance. If you have adjusted them away from their defaults you will need to refer to the Configure Risk Formula menu to determine the corresponding values. For default installations you may refer to the screenshot below for the names of the levels of Impact.

CVSS Scoring - Importing CVSS scoring requires using the first letter of each word in the attribute. For example if you wanted the value to be “Complete” you would import a “C” in that cell. Another example would be “Temporary fix” would be entered as “TF”. This is continued for all CVSS scoring attributes. If in doubt it is suggested to have the Risk Submission page open with the CVSS score editor to ensure an accurate import.

DREAD Scoring Attributes - DREAD scoring simply expects values of 1-10 for each of the attributes that make up the score. 

OWASP Scoring Attributes - OWASP scoring uses 1-10 values for each of the imported attributes.

Custom Value - This is for use with the Custom scoring method. This field expects a number value of 1-10 that will be used as the risk score when the Custom scoring method is mapped.

Contributing Likelihood - This field is for use with the Contributing Risks scoring method. This value shares all description with the Classic Likelihood field. This field expects the name of a level of likelihood found in the instance you are importing into.

Contributing Impacts - This field is for use with the Contributing Risks scoring method. This value shares all description with the Classic Likelihood field. This field expects the names of the levels of impact found in the instance you are importing into separated by a “_” then the name of the subject then “,” then the next subject/impact combination. An example of this would be:


Mitigation Submission Date - This field expects a date in the past. It requires the usual yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss date format. 

Planning Strategy - This field is for the planning strategy. Only one value may be imported for this field. If the imported entry does not match an existing entry one will be created.

Planned Mitigation Date - This field expects a date in the future in the yyyy-mm-dd date format. Notifications can be triggered based on the date set here and can be configured in the Notification Extra settings page in the Configure menu.

Mitigation Effort - This field is used to record the amount of effort the mitigation of the risk will require. This field can only accept a single value. If the value given does not already exist in the system it will be created.

Mitigation Cost - This field expects a currency symbol and range of value that aligns with a range defined this field can also accept a currency symbol and single value or simply the value alone. Once imported it will be determined which value range it belongs to and that value range will be recorded with the mitigation, if one does not contain the amount given the default asset valuation will be used.

Mitigation Team - This field expects a team or teams. They must be separated as shown above if multiple are given. If a team does not exist currently that matches the import a new team will be created.

Current Solution - This is a free text field accepting any amount of text to be saved with the mitigation as the currently defined solution for the risk.

Security Requirements - This is a free text field accepting any amount of text to be saved with the mitigation as the security requirements for the mitigation. Security requirements are generally the definition of the required actions surrounding the risk and may not actually contain a solution.

Security Recommendations - This is a free text field accepting any amount of text to be saved with the mitigation as the security recommendations for the mitigation. Recommendations tend to be in the form of possible solutions.

Mitigated By - This field expects a single user already defined in the system. This field is also tied to the Notification Extra and users who are assigned to the mitigated by field can be notified based on actions or timed reports.

Review Date - This field is the date a review was most recently done on this risk. This field expects a date in the past in the yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss date format.

Review - This field denotes if the review resulted in an approved risk moving forward or if the risk will be rejected and closed. The values available for use here are: Approve Risk or Reject Risk and Close.

Reviewer - This field expects a user and can only have one assigned. This is the user performing the review. This field follows the guidance above for user field imports.   

Next Step - This field is for recording the next steps following the review. Options for this field by default are: Accept Until Next Review, Consider for Project, Submit as a Production Issue. If the imported content does not match an existing next step a new one will be created.

Comments - This free text field allows you to record a comment into the review with the import.

Next Review Date - This is the next date the risk will be due for review. This field expects a date in the future in the yyyy-mm-dd format. 

Tags - This field is for importing tags, if a tag does not exist it will be created. Risks may have any number of tags associated and must present multiple values as described above.

Mitigation Percent - This field is used to calculate the residual risk score. The field expects just a number between 1 and 100 and will apply this percentage to the inherent risk score. Entering a value of “30” for a risk with a score of “10” will result in a residual risk score of “7”.

Close-Out Information - This free text field is for storing information regarding the closing of the risk.

Close Reason - This field expects a single value that matches a currently defined Close Reason in the SimpleRisk instance. If one does not match a new one will be created.

Closed By - A user field used for recording the user that closed the risk.

Mitigation Controls - Using the control short name users can attach a control to the mitigation for the mitigation. You can attach multiple controls to a single mitigation separated as described above. If one of the assigned controls contains the highest mitigation percentage associated with the mitigation the residual risk will use the that controls mitigation percentage instead of the one contained in the base mitigation.

The following and final stock fields for import are for the details of the Risk Mapping. These fields do not need to be populated or mapped unless you are creating a risk mapping that does not already exist in the system with the import. Each of these fields are free text fields with the exception of the function field described below. A screenshot example of these fields usage:

Risk Grouping 


Risk Event


Function - This is a single value field that when a value supplied in the import does not match a new value will be recorded and added to the dropdown as well as saved with the risk. The default values are: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, Recover

This concludes the field description and preparation section, once you have completed preparation of your import material you may move on to the next step.

Importing into SimpleRisk

Here we will continue from the user interface of SimpleRisk. To import risks the user must be an administrator with access to the “Configure” menu. From the Configure menu you will need to scroll down and on the far left navigation panel find Import/Export.

First we will make sure that we have selected Import Risks from the dropdown menu pictured above. If you are importing a file that was created using the headers from a SimpleRisk Combined Export as the base then you may also use the Mapping dropdown to select SimpleRisk Combined Import. This will automatically map all fields for import in the next step assuming you have not edited the number of columns or changed their order.

The example above shows what you should see when using the SimpleRisk Combined Import mapping. The column on the left represents the columns contained within the file that was uploaded. The dropdowns on the right represent the field that column is mapped to.

It should be noted that if for some reason your import does not contain labeled headers in the first row you can elect to import the first row as well by clicking the checkbox labeled “Import First Row”. This is seldom used and when possible headers make the mapping process much smoother.

It should be noted before proceeding again that if the Risk ID column is mapped the system will update the risks with matching ID with the values from the import. If the Risk ID is not mapped the system will add all rows as new risks with new Risk IDs.

You do not have to update and map all columns with every import. As a bare necessity the system requires a Subject and a Risk ID if you are attempting to update information. As described above some mappable fields can be omitted if they are irrelevant to the imported information, not used, or not relied upon by another piece of information for another displayed value.

After all precautions and checks have been made you may proceed to scroll to the bottom of the page and click the “Import” button. Once completed you should see a list of the updated risks and a few details about what was updated. For a more in depth list you can look to the Audit Trail in the Configure menu. 

This will have concluded the process necessary for importing risks into SimpleRisk. 


This will have concluded the process necessary for importing risks into SimpleRisk. In this guide we covered the details and specifics of importing risks into SimpleRisk and all of the default fields available for risk imports. If you have any questions or run into issues please contact us at