In this short FAQ we will cover how users can close large numbers of risks all at once. For a more all encompassing Risk import/export guide please see: The Risk Import Guide for SimpleRisk

To perform a batch close you will need to update a few fields to ensure you capture the proper data for reporting purposes and that the risk is closed properly. As a precaution I always suggest import updating a single risk before doing the entire batch.

Now you will need to ensure that the following fields are mapped during import using the guidelines contained in the guide linked above for those fields but I'll also provide shorter descriptions here as well.

Risk ID - This targets the risk for update and lets the system know this is an update import.
Subject - The risk subject is a required field for all imports.
Closed date - yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format date.
Closed By - Display name of the user credited with the close.
Close Reason - Free form field to describe the close reason.
Status - Should be set to "Closed".

If you have any questions or need clarification the Risk Import Guide also did not provide please reach out to us at