Why does my SimpleRisk Backup fail during Upgrade?
With the release of SimpleRisk version 20200305-001 we have crossed a barrier in application size of 128MB. By default PHP in most builds has a memory_limit of 128MB. In this short faq we will cover updating your php.ini so when the application tries to backup the app files the system is successful.
How To Fix
First we find your php.ini. Depending on which version of Linux you are using you will find it in one of the following places. Please adjust where you see X for your PHP version.
WAMP USERS: You can simply left-click the task-tray icon for WAMP and go to the PHP menu and select php.ini from there.
Once you have this file opened in your file editor of choice search for the memory_limit configuration. (/memory_limit in vi). You do not want to set this anywhere near the limit of RAM the server has allotted. If you are unsure you may just try 256MB but if you are confident you could go as far as 512MB. Please note that the configuration expects a single character size identifier. Examples of working configurations will be listed below. Any of which are fine.
memory_limit= 256M
memory_limit= 256000K
memory_limit= 268435456
Once edited go ahead and write/save the file. Now we need to restart Apache for the changes to take effect. Commands to do so are listed below depending on your linux distro may change which of these will work for you.
WAMP USERS: You will just need to left-click your task tray icon once again and click restart all services to put the new memory limit into action.
systemctl restart apache2
systemctl restart httpd
service apache2 restart
service httpd restart
At this point you have completed the changes necessary.
You have now updated your PHP memory_limit to allow your SimpleRisk backup to go through. If you are still having problems with the backup phase of the update please review your apache error log “/var/log/apache2/error.log” in most cases and send the contents to support@simplerisk.com and we will be happy to assist you.