Why do I see an X next to References and Index permissions in the SimpleRisk Health Check?
With the release of SimpleRisk Version 20200401-001 we have started to lay the groundwork for improving SimpleRisk’s speed of operation. This includes a health check for if the SimpleRisk MySQL user has the REFERENCES and INDEX permissions. As of version 20200401-001 they are not required for SimpleRisk to run but future versions will need them so it will be best to go ahead and make the changes now rather than hit a road bump later. This short FAQ will go over how to make these changes. You will need access to the root MySQL user for this. If your installation was done using our script then you will have a password.txt in the root directory if you did not and cannot access the root user feel free to contact us at support@simplerisk.com for further support.
How To Fix
Fixing this issue is a relatively simple endeavor. All you will need to do is access the MySQL console and give the proper permissions to the simplerisk MySQL user. After logging into the MySQL console using “mysql -u root -p” enter the following (NOTICE: in most cases we have found copy pasting to not properly copy ' so you will want to type them manually):
use mysql;
UPDATE db SET References_priv='Y',Index_priv='Y' WHERE db='simplerisk';
flush privileges;
At this point you have now added the permissions necessary to keep SimpleRisk running through future updates that will rely on these changes. No other changes should be observed after making this change and as with any time you experience an issue with SimpleRisk please feel free to contact us at support@simplerisk.com