
If you are experiencing issues with registration and or updating the SimpleRisk application and receive an error suggesting you may have an invalid instance key this FAQ will help you clear your registration information and instance key as well as generate new ones during the registration process. Before continuing users should verify their SimpleRisk Healthcheck does not indicate any issues that would prevent upgrade or registration s


First we will need to gain access to the MySQL console. If you are unsure how to accomplish this a few short steps to doing so will be provided below. These instructions assume you are using Ubuntu Linux or a similar operating system.

1) From terminal use “cat /var/www/simplerisk/includes/config.php”. This will write out the config to the terminal window, keep this here you will need the field “DB_PASSWORD” in the next step.

2) Enter “mysql -u simplerisk -p” into terminal and it will ask you for the password mentioned above. If you have issues getting in check the “DB_USERNAME” field from the config.php to be sure you are using the same username SimpleRisk uses.

3) Once in the MySQL console enter “use simplerisk” or substitute “simplerisk” for the contents of the field “DB_DATABASE” to select the SimpleRisk database.

4) Use the following commands to reset your registration status and clear out any registration information that has been stored in the system.

DELETE FROM settings WHERE name='instance_id';
UPDATE settings SET value=0 WHERE name='registration_registered';
DELETE FROM settings WHERE name='services_api_key';
DELETE FROM settings WHERE name='registration_name';
DELETE FROM settings WHERE name='registration_fname';

DELETE FROM settings WHERE name='registration_lname';
DELETE FROM settings WHERE name='registration_company';
DELETE FROM settings WHERE name='registration_title';
DELETE FROM settings WHERE name='registration_phone';
DELETE FROM settings WHERE name='registration_email';

5) Once you have completed entering the MySQL queries you may login to SimpleRisk and navigate to “Configure” at the top followed by “Register & Upgrade” on the left. You should no longer see registration information and after filling out the required fields you should now be able to register the instance successfully. Once completed updates should run as intended as well.